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Showing posts from January 1, 2019

Welcome to American English Dan!

Welcome to American English Dan! My name is Daniel Conklin and this blog is focused on presenting and reviewing resources for teaching and learning the English language.  The idea is to build a repository of ideas that I have found helpful and would like to share with my professional colleagues and students.  Some of the teaching resources may be originated by me, since I am a Teacher of English as an Additional Language (TEAL), and I intend to post and link to great resources I find along the way. I will also present tips for Learners of English as a New/Additional Language (ENLs or EALs).  We will probably also discuss these acronyms! This blog is partially the result of a requirement for the program for the M.Ed. in Teaching English Learners at American College of Education   . I am not getting financial remuneration for any part of it.